We're the Irish Quints at the Hudson Valley Agility trial, where we all got together, Finn, Jig, Kerri, Keeper, & Jamie. (L to R)
Dec 2021
Two MACH3 and a MACH for the Topmast dogs in 2021!!
Congratulations to Bob Young and Caper (Spice Litter) on their fantastic year and MACH3!
Caper had a tremendous year. The 37 QQs he created this year resulted in MACH's 2 & 3, MXS, MXG, MJS and MJG and he is Nationally ranked among Golden’s for QQ’s in AKCs Breed Rankings.
Congratulations to Barb Croy and Calli (Liquor Litter) on finishing their MACH 3! Amazing team wracking up those QQ's and lots of ribbons.
MACH3 Topmast Macallan Highland Scotch VCD1 TDU MXS MJG MXF T2B ADHF CGC
Congratulations to Pat McKinney and Mattie for finishing their MACH in October!
Randy also finished their HRC HRCH!
What a great year they've had, especially after an injury in the spring. Go Mattie!
Oct 2021
GRCA National was a success for several Topmast dogs.
Sept 2021
Congratulations to Steph Critch and Remy for passing the Master National!
It was a grueling test and they did well.
Nov 22, 2020
A New MACH!! and ADHF!
Congratulations to Bob Young and Caper on finishing his MACH!! and ADHF!!
All before the age of 3 and with Covid restrictions taking out a half a year.
Great work for you two!
Sept 20, 2020
Congratulations to Pat & Randy McKinney for finishing Mattie's MH!!
Mattie finished in one weekend with a Double Master qualifying in both tests.
She's also qualified for the Amatuer Master National.
Aug 2020
Congratulations to Jan Masica and Kix for finishing his MH!!
Topmast Kick-A-Poo Joy Juice CD MH OAJ WCX AX OF
Dec 2019
Congratulations to Bob Young and 2 y.o. Caper finishing his MX & MXJ.
From start to finish in 7 months. Nice work!
Sept 2019
Ritzy qualifies at the GRCA National for the Triathlon Award!
Ritzy is the dam of the Double Litter.
May 20th, 2019
Congratulations to Barb Croy and Calli on their MACH!!
These two have become such a great team together on the agility field
and we are so proud of how well they've done.
Calli is from our Liquor Litter.
June 2018
Congratulations to Jan and Keeper on completing their MH50,
which qualifies them for the GRCA Hunt Test Hall of Fame!
What a team! Getting 50 Master Hunt test passes is a HUGE feat and this team is a well oiled machine together.
Watching Keeper run hunt tests is such a joy....you can see how much she loves the game.
We are so proud of you two!
Keeper is now known as:
Sept 2017
Congratulations to Donna Schmidt and Jade on taking High in Trial Agility at the GRCA 2017 National!! What an honor. Jade took first place in Master Excellent and Jumpers to take the award. She also won Premier Jumpers. What an amazing National they had. She also passed her Junior Hunter test.
Scotti finishing her RN at the GRCA National
Sept 2017
Congratulations to Donna Schmidt and Jade on taking High in Trial Agility at the GRCA 2017 National!! What an honor. Jade took first place in Master Excellent and Jumpers to take the award. She also won Premier Jumpers. What an amazing National they had. She also passed her Junior Hunter test.
More Topmast dogs did well at the 2017 Golden Retriever National in Maryland.
SHR Topmast True Grit JH WC CCA CGC---Mattie passed the CCA, passed in Junior Hunter and the WC, finished 4th in Novice Rally B, and 1st in Novice Fast Agility. Mattie also qualified for the coveted Triathlon award, qualifying in three areas: CCA, Performance, and Field.
Topmast Saddle Up 'N Ride NF - Ranger finished his Novice Fast Agility title, passed the Junior Hunter test and WC.
Topmast Kick-A-Poo Joy Juice CD JH NAJ NF WC - Kix passed the WC and WCX. He is back to great health.
U-CDX Topmast Twist of Slate CDX BN PCD GN RE CCA CGC - Ryder did well in Rally, getting another RAE pass.
Topmast Jump to Light Speed NA OAJ CGC - Luke had some great runs in Novice Preferred Jumpers and Fast, finishing first place both classes.
And not to be outdone, the three Abbi daughters from her Irish Litter had a great National.
Keeper passed her WCX, Kerri passed JH, WC, and took 4th in Excellent Rally for #6 RAE2 pass, and Jamie Q'd in agility.
It was a great National
Karli, Keeper, and Jamie were in the Parade of Titleholders and received huge ribbons!
Congratulations to Donna Schmidt and Jade on their MACH5 today March 12, 2017.
This team just keeps on going and going and they make it look so easy.
Way to go girls!!
Congratulations to Doug and Lexie on achieving their high goal of getting an OTCH!!
Lexie is Doug's very first obedience dog and he went from Novice A to OTCH!
Lexie is now known as
We are so proud of Doug and Lexie for taking this wonderful trip together.
Special thanks goes out to Doug's trainer, Linda Smithberger, who has helped guide Doug and Lexie thru this incredible journey.
And of course, a big cheer goes out to Doug's wife, Nanci, who has supported Doug thru-out his adventure with his very special girl.
Lexie is from our Traveling litter, out of our Abbi and Collin.
She and Doug have done some wonderful traveling in obtaining this goal.
May 17th, 2014
Congratulations to Cassie (Outer Space Litter) on finishing her Rally Novice title today! Lori and Cassie's first official AKC title!! Wahoo!
Feb 22, 2015
Pam & Bonny finished their GMOTCH!!
The Canadian Kennel Club awards the Grand Master Obedience Trial Champion title to the dog that meets the following requirements:
Grand Master Obedience Trial Champion
Requirements for this title may only be accumulated after the completion of the Master Obedience Trial Champion Title.
The requirements are:
(a) a minimum score of 195 points in both the Open B and Utility B classes at the same trial at 10 separate trials. (phew!)
(b) pairs must be earned under a minimum of 10 different judges. A pair may be counted under 2 different judges, provided it is earned in the same trial.
(c) a High in Trial with a score of 195 or higher out of the Open B class.
(d) a High in Trial with a score of 195 or higher out of the Utility B class.
Today was also Bon's 19th HIT!
She's the first and only female golden with a CH and GMOTCH and only the 5th CH/GMOTCH Golden.
Feb 15, 2015
A big Congratulations to Pam Martin and the Bonster for earning a 200 perfect score and taking back-to-back High in Trials this past weekend!!
Wow! What a great weekend for this amazing team. They are so close to their Grand MOTCH title. Taking a little time off for those babies seems to have improved their game! And not having much hair doesn't seem to have hurt either.
Big Congratulations to an Amazing Team!
August 19, 2013
Wow.....what a weekend Abbi's offspring and grand-daughter had this past
Pam won't brag, so I'll brag for her.
Bonny and Pam passed TWO Master tests here in Michigan this past weekend!
And I got to see her run a couple of times. So it was great!
Jan & Keeper passed her Master test for her 11th MH pass and did a fine
job of it too.
Donna Anderson & Jamie finished their MXJ!! I know they've worked really
hard on becoming a team, as Jamie is so fast.
Donna Schmidt and Jade showed four days at an agility trial and got FOUR
QQ's!!! Wow!!
Jade also passed her hips with a Good & normal elbows! Wahoo!
Sheri & Luke tried dock diving, along with Sandy and Jig and they all did
really well.
Busy weekend!
A big WAHOO to all three of my young girls for finishing their SHR (Started Hunting Retriever) titles this weekend!!! Diamond and Chime did it in four straight and Kerri needed that fifth one.
I am so proud of my girls for loving the retrieving game and having fun with me.
So proud of Diamond, who has been completely trained by Tom, and I get to show her for her titles.
April 28, 2013
Jade (Topmast Purple Jade AX AXJ) finished her AX and AXJ last weekend with two first places!!! What a girl! She has really moved along from Novice thru Excellent in just about 6 weeks! Go Jade!
Kerri completed her CD in one weekend, with three 3rd places. This qualifies her for her VCD1 award (Versatility Dog), which you get from AKC when you have a CD, TD, and NA/NAJ. Way to go Kerri!!!
April 14, 2013
Bonny has a new Canadian UD and that completes her Canadian OTCH!!! And she does it with a High in Trial!!! WAHOO!!! Way to go, Ms Bon and Pam!!
She is now known as:
Can. CH. OTCh Topmast Take the High Road CD JH WCX CCA Can. WCX GRCC VCI VHO.
March 10, 2013
Congratulations to Barbara Verga on two new titles on both her dogs, Bing and Perri. Bing finished his UDX2 and Perri obtained her Rally Advanced title.
They are official known as:
Feb 14, 2013
Congratulations to Pam Martin and Bonny, who finished her Can CDX right behind that CD, with another High in Trial!!! Wahoo!! Way to go, Bon!!!!
And congratulations to her littermate Nina and her owner MaryEllen Moyse, on finishing Nina's CD from the Novice B classes in three straight shows.
Nina is now known as
Congratulations to Pam Martin and Bonny on their new Can CD and two High In Trials!!! Bon is now
WAHOO!!! Go Pam and Bon!!!
January 20, 2013
It sure has been quiet with Abbi's offspring or I am way behind on news.
Big Congratulations to Barbara Verga and her Topmast Traveling pup Perri on completing their Utility Dog title (UD).
Wahoo!!! Barbara's second UD!! Bing (Perri's big half-brother) was Barbara's first UDX! Great Accomplishment with two of Abbi's offspring!
Big News!!
Chime's daughter is the first off Chime's offspring to get agility titles!! Jade (Topmast Purple Jade NA NAJ) completed her Novice Agility and Novice Jumpers titles with all first places! Wow! These guys are becoming a great team! She also has her first Open Std and Jumpers legs. See the link below to watch her latest run.
Congratulations to Jan and Keeper on several more OTCH points and her 7th QQ!! That girl is on a roll
Sept 3, 2012
Congratulations to Chelse and Tango (Topmast Let's Go Tango! RA) on getting her Rally Advanced (RA) title this weekend, with nice scores and placements too!
What a team they have become!
August 12, 2012
Congratulations to Jan and Keeper on getting that fifth pass for her Master Hunter title!! WAHOO!!! Way to go girls!! We are so proud of you two!
Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover
July 31, 2012
We welcome the Outer Space Litter, by Chime x Kamikaze.
Five puppies (2 boys and 3 girls).
See their webpage for more pictures.
Lexie UD!!!
Congratulations to Doug and Nanci Braun and their lovely girl, Topmast Wings of Travel UD RE JH CCA CGC, for getting her UD in short order!! With placements for every leg.
What a great team they have become!
Congratulations to Lexie (Topmast Wings of Travel CD RE JH
CCA CGC) on getting her first two UD legs with two first placements!
Wow! First time out in utility and they get two qualifying scores & two first places!!! Amazing team! Go Lexie!!
May 20, 2012
Happy First Birthday to the Gemstones! Five precious Gemstones born a year ago. All are doing great!
Congratulations to their sire Rocky, on finishing his Master Hunter today on their birthday!! Go Rocky!
Congratulations to Keeper (Irish Litter) on her 3rd Master Hunter pass today. That test was tough and she did a great job on it!
Congratulations to Finn (Irish Litter) on finishing his AX last weekend. getting a first place. He also Q's in Excellent Jumpers twice for two MXJ legs. Happy Mother's Day to Sue!
Karli's brother, Skipper, from the Traveling litter, got his first two Rally Excellent legs this weekend, with two first places!
Go Skipper!!!
For the final weekend of the year, Keeper and Kerri went to Columbus, OH and played agility with Shiloh. It was a good weekend.
Keeper finished her MXJ, which finished out a great year for her.
Shiloh Q'd both days in EXC STD for a bunch of MACH points.
Kerri Q'd her first time out in Novice FAST with a 3rd place. Not bad for my little velcro dog.
Momma Abbi went and had fun in agility.
November 13, 2011
Luk passed his Senior test today with flying
colors and is now a Senior Hunter!!
(Topmast Karluk's North Pole Voyage
We are so proud of these guys. Stephanie is a Novice A handler and this
field handling thing is all brand new to her. She and her pro trainer
Mike, have done a wonderful training Luk to his potential and showing
that beauty, brains, and field ability can go together. And this love of
field for Steph all started with the Carol Cassity seminar (thanks Gayle
and Carol).
Steph is driving back home to Florida from GA, so I have permission to
brag for her.
Luk's marking is fantastic, just like his momma's.
It's nice to know that breeding choices for the risk we take breeding to
a conformation dog that has no performance titles has paid off. The
Traveling litter is really out there showing everybody that the
combination worked!
Thanks Abbi and Collin!
Now on to Master for Steph and Luk!
Oct 30, 2011
Gaylan's Irish Ceili Dancer RN AX AXJ MXF JH WC VC CCA O-NAC/NCC/NJC/TN
Congratulations to Jig and Sandy on getting his JH!!!! This is Sandy's first field title and she is thrilled her young boy has taken her on this adventure!
Wahoo Jig JH!!!
Oct 9, 2011
Topmast Joy's Country Mile JH TDI CGC (Joy) -(Laura McGarrell-Young).
This is Laura's FIRST official AKC title she has ever put on a dog! Way to go Laura and Joy, on getting a big title!!
Another MH pass!!
Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover VCD2 CDX RE TDX SH MX AXJ MXF WCX CL1-F CGC (Keeper)-Jan Masica
This is Keeper's 2nd Master Hunter pass two weeks in a row!! In her first two MH tests! Amazing.
Two JH legs!!
Gaylan's Irish Ceili Dancer RN AX AXJ MXF WC VC CCA O-NAC/NCC/NJC/TN--(Jig)-Sandy Ziemski
Jig's first two JH legs!! I don't think Sandy has put any field titles on any of her dogs either.
Sept 25, 2011
NEW Junior Hunter!! Congratulations to Doug and Nanci Braun on Lexie's new Junior Hunter! She is now known as:
Topmast Wings of Travel CD RE JH CCA CGC.
Sept 3, 2011
Big news for the Traveling Litter pups!
Lexie,Topmast Wings of Travel CD RE CCA CGC (Braun) finished her CD a couple of weeks ago with another first place and then has added two Junior Hunter passes to her and Doug's accomplishments. WAHOO!!! Pretty impressive for this Novice A team!!
Bonny, Can. CH. Topmast Take the High Road JH WCX CCA Can. WCX, (Martin) added an Am WCX a few weeks back and then this weekend, passed her Can WCI and WCX!!! Way to go Bonny & Pam!!!
July 23, 2011
A very busy weekend.
Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover CDX RE SH MX AXJ MXF TDX VCD2 CL1 CGC (Masica), finished her Senior Hunter title!! She did this in four straight trials! What a girl she is and what a trainer Jan is. Way to Go, Keeper & Jan!!!
, Gaylan's Irish Ceili Dancer AX AXJ XF CCA O-NAC O-NCC O-NJC O-TNN TGN O-WVN CGC, finished his Excellent Jumpers title today!! Way to go Jig and Sandy!!
The Gemstone litter went home today to their new homes. Welcome to their new owners! Enjoy those puppies!
They are:
Topmast Trace of Gold, (Mr Red)
off to California with Daisy & Bill Spurgin to do hunting and become a valuable family member.
Topmast Purple Jade. (Ms Black)
off to Syracuse, NY with Donna Schmidt to do agility and competition obedience. She'll have fun with Donna's other golden Jordan. They also would like to try some field training for the first time.
off to NJ with George and Beth Gibson. She will join Chime's sister Emma and do great hunting and retrieving lots and lots of birds.
Topmast Amber Hills of Scotland (Ms Gray-Blue)
off to NJ to join Audrey Kaplonski and her other golden Dutch. They will be doing competition obedience, maybe a little agility, and we'll have to see if we can get her into field.
Topmast Twist of Slate (Mr Orange)
She will be staying with us and join her mom Chime, Aunt Kerri, and Grandma Abbi doing agility, obedience, field, and tracking.
Topmast Diamonds and Pearls (Ms Pearl)
July 18, 2011
New Champion!!!
Bonny, Topmast Take the High Road JH Can WC (Martin), finished her Canadian Championship with a Best of Breed!!!
Way to go Bonny & Pam!!!
Now, on to that Master Hunter 😀
Topmast Take the High Road JH CCA Can WC, finished her Junior Hunter this past weekend with Pam Martin in NY. WAHOO!!! Now on to Master!
Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover CDX RE JH MX AXJ MXF TDX VCD2 CL1 CGC, passed her 3rd straight Senior Hunt test on Sunday, May 20, 2011. Wow! Only one more to go!! What a great dog and handler!!
Jamie , Gaylans Celtic Spirit OA AXJ OF AD SG (Donna Anderson) finished her Open Agility title this weekend, then went on to get her first Excellent Standard leg, with TWO First places!!! Way to go Jamie!!
Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover
RE TDX JH MX AXJ MXF RE WCX CL1-F CGC (Jan Masica), obtained her SECOND Senior Hunter pass Sunday with a tough water blind. She was only 9 of 25 dogs to pass! Good Job, Keeper & Jan! All that hard work pays off!
June 4, 2011
Keeper, Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover VCD2CDX RE TDX JH MX AXJ MXF RE WCX CL1-F CGC (Jan Masica), completed her CDX today, and a bumper leg too. Two 2nd places. That makes her a VCD2 also. Way to go, Keeper & Jan!!
Now back to field and agility!!
May 22, 2011
Gaylan's Bingsville Bugle UD JH OA AXJ NJP NF VCX CCA CGC (Verga),
did a great job this weekend at 2 outdoor shows. He earned UDX legs #7 and #8.
U-CH Topmast American Express Traveler CD RA TDI CGC TT (Ziemski) earned two legs of his Rally Excellent this weekend at the Long Island shows with placings (2nd on sat and lst on sun). One more to go!
May 21, 2011
Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover CD RE TDX JH MX AXJ MXF WCX CL1-F CGC
(Jan Masica) passed her first SENIOR hunt test with flying colors!!!
Wahoo!!! Jan and Keeper have been training hard for this and we are so proud of these two.
This happened the day after getting her 7th MXJ leg with a second place in a very competitive 20" class!
Is there anything this little girl can't do???
May 15, 2011
Gaylan's Finnegan's Rainbow OA NAJ OF NAC NJC TNN CGC
) has his open fast title.... 2nd leg a second and third leg a second place!! Great job!
Finn (
Gaylan's Finnegan's Rainbow OA NAJ NF NAC NJC TNN CGC
) (Sue & Teri Zgoda)
qualified for his second OAJ leg with a First Place!
Keeper, Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover CD RE TDX JH MX AXJ MXF WCX CL1-F CGC(Jan Masica) earned two CDX legs with two 1st places. Then she was out the next day and obtained her fifth MXJ leg with a second place.
Momma Abbi was out for the first time this year and qualified in Exc JWW for more MACH points.
Now we're just going to be hanging at home, waiting for Chime to have her puppies May 20.
Juice and Paula were finally out playing at agility again last weekend and did really well and QQ'd!! I think there were some placements with those Q's too.
Way to go, Juice!
Finn and Sue did one day at a trial and came home with a second place and his first leg in OAJ. Per Sue, he did great in Excellent standard, but his handler
messed up one sequence...otherwise perfect. Nice way to start off their
Jig and Sandy did USDAA at Dream Park this weekend. He was in Starters
(Novice level) since they hadn't done it before and they entered the
tournament classes (to qualify for Nationals in Kentucky) which are
Masters (Excellent) level.
He got a Q in Standard and 2 Q's in Gamblers all three with 1st placements.
He also Q'd in Steeplechase which is one of 2 Q's they need to compete in September. He placed 8th in about 25 dogs; (pretty good considering the majority of competitors were BC's!!)
Not bad for their first time out in USDAA!!!
Jamie , Gaylans Celtic Spirit NA AXJ OF AD SG (Donna Anderson) finished her NA title.
, Gaylan's Drummer Boy CD RE MH MX MXJ VCX, (Linda Lowy) earned a QQ on Sat. at Gem City, for more MACH points and on Sun picked up a Q in Excellent Standard with a beautiful standard run, for more MACH points again. He's a pretty consistent boy for being off in the Master Hunt tests for most of last year!
!! Perri celebrated by being the first in the Topmast Traveling litter to get an EXCELLENT rating on her hips too!
Perri, Topmast Perri's Home for the Holidays CD, (Barbara Verga), qualified for her fifth CD leg and placing 3rd in her class. Now on to Open
Abbi's pups had a great weekend!!
U-Ch Topmast American Express Traveler CD RN TDI CGC (Zelinski), finished his CD and RA this past weekend, in three straight shows.
Now on to Open!
Topmast Atlantic Traveler RN CGC TDI TT (Cona), earned his first Rally Advanced leg this weekend.
,Topmast Perri's Home for the Holidays CD (Verga),obtained her CD in three straight shows, with a bumper leg to boot. All with placements and in the 190's.
Big brother Bing, Gaylan's Bingsville Bugle UD JH OA AXJ NJP NF VCX CCA CGC (Verga), earned his 6th UDX leg and qualified in either open or utility in all four shows with scores of 190 or above each time.He had one 2nd place and 3 third places for the weekend! He earned 42 more Master points and is now just 12 Utility points away from his Obedience Master Title!
Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover TDX JH MX AXJ MXF RE WCX CL1-F CGC (Jan Masica) obtained her first two CD legs with beautiful performances, just missing two 199's by a no sit. She looked great out there!
,Topmast Perri's Home for the Holidays (Verga), was not going to be outdone by her "big brother" Bing from two weeks ago, so she stepped into the obedience ring this weekend and obtained her first two legs on her CD! With great scores and two 4th places! Not bad for the baby dog. Looks like she might be growing up!
Gaylan's Bingsville Bugle UD JH OA AXJ NJP NF VCX CCA CGC (Verga), did a great job earning his 5th UDX leg with 4th place in both open and utility classes. He also earned another 15 points toward his obedience master title.
U-Ch Topmast American Express Traveler RN TDI CGC(Zelinski), earned two legs toward his Rally Advanced title with two 4th placings and scores of 96 and 97 this weekend - such a good boy!
Jan and I went to a Rally trial this weekend and came home with four new titles and a ton of ribbons.
Keeper finished her Rally Advanced on Friday, then finished her Rally Excellent today (with a bumper leg to boot).
Kerri and Chime finished their Rally Advanced titles.
Abbi finished her Rally Excellent title.
That made 13 Q's total with placements for ALL 13 Q's!!
Abbi and her three daughters Chime, Kerri, and Keeper had a great weekend and did us all proud!!!
Now on to obedience!
Gaylan's Drummer Boy CD RE MX MXJ MH WCX CCA VC, (Lowy) came roaring back into agility after spending the summer and fall doing Master Hunt tests, obtaining two QQ's and lots of MACH points!!! No grass growing under this boy's feet! WAHOO!!!
Topmast Comin' About Karli CGC, (Globuschutz) debuted in CPE novice agility this weekend and obtained her first agility Q in Colors. At not quite two, she's going to try and catch up with her "big brother" Keagan!
A first QQ for
Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover TDX JH AX AXJ MXF RN WCX CL1-F CGC (Jan Masica) earned her ninth MX leg and fourth MXJ leg to get her first of many QQ's. On very complicated courses! Congratulations Jan and Keeper!
Kerri, Gaylan's Kerri of the Emerald Isle RN OA NAJ
CCA PK1 PJ1 PR1 CL1-S CL1-H CL1-F CGC, finished her Rally Novice RN title with a 4th place and did a great job of it too.
, Gaylan's Irish Ceili Dancer AX OAJ XF CCA O-NAC O-NCC O-NJC O-TNN TGN O-WVN CGC,
Sandy Ziemski,
qualified with 3rd place in AKC Excellent B Standard for a MX leg.
Congratulations to Lexie, Topmast Wings of Travel RN (Doug & Nanci Braun), for finishing their Rally Novice (RN) title this weekend!! This is Doug and Lexie's first title and we are so proud of them for adventuring into the show ring. Now on to Advanced Rally in January!
Congratulations to Jamie,
Gaylan's Celtic Spirit AXJ OF SG (Donna Anderson) on finishing her AXJ!! That didn't take long!
Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover TDX JH AX AXJ MXF RN WCX CL1-F CGC (Jan Masica) earned her eighth MX leg and third MXJ leg.
, Gaylan's Kerri of the Emerald Isle OA NAJ CGC, earned her first OAJ leg.
Abbi, U-CH C-ATCH U-AGII U-CD Gaylan's High Flying Abbi CD MX MXJ NF RA JH WC OD VC CCA EAC (Pat Swallows) earned her 5th QQ, with another Q in Standard.
November 21, 2010
Congratulations to Jamie (Gaylan's Celtic Spirit OAJ OF SG,
on getting her second AXJ leg with a 2nd place!! That girl is moving right along! Must be Donna is learning how to drive her Mazaratti 😀
November 14, 2010
Congratulations to Doug & Nanci Braun and Lexie (Topmast Wings of Travel CGC) on getting Lexie's first ribbons by passing her first Rally show and getting two legs with a 4th and 2nd place! Not bad for their Novice A dog! Very impressive!
November 15, 2010
October 16, 2010
Congratulations to Bonny (
Topmast Take the High Road CCA CanWC)
on getting her
her first time in the ring! Even without much coat, the judges couldn't miss that great structure!
(Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover
were out there burning up the agility ring again, getting MXF leg #8 & 9. That girl can rack up some distance!
Jan and Keeper
Sept 19, 2010
Congratulations to the Traveling litter on a great field weekend!!
Topmast Karluk's North Pole Voyage CGC, (Critch)
, passed both days in his first Hunt test to obtain his first two Junior Hunter legs. This was Stephanie's first hunt test ever and she proved she's been a good student and did a great job holding her nerves together to get those passes. Luk got high praises from the judges, showing beauty and field work can go together!
Topmast Take the High Road Can WC (Hargrove)
also passed her Junior Hunt Test this weekend, getting her 3rd JH leg. Only one more to go!
Littermate Bonny,
Both of these pups are from the Collin/Abbi breeding and they are doing us proud!
Gaylan's Finnegan's Rainbow NA NAC NJC TNN CGC (Zgoda),
got their Novice jumpers title and Novice tunnelers title in NADAC today along with 5 blue ribbons in jumpers (2),,hoopers (1),tunnelers(2) ,and a second place in open reg1. The judges were very impressed with Teri's handling!
Teri and Finn,
was at a USDAA trial this weekend and finished her PD2 title with a first place.
Our Kerri, from the Irish litter, did well at the trial too, qualifying in all three runs she ran in, finishing her P1 Jumpers and Pairs Relay titles with two First places and qualifying for her first Standard P1 leg with a second place.
Momma Abbi
Sept 5, 2010
Keeper (Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover
(Masica) got her 5th MX leg this weekend with a 4th place in Exc B Standard. And she was sooooo close for that QQ, but taking the wrong end of the last obstacle tunnel in JWW. She didn't get to play anymore for the weekend, as she looks like she has a slight case of kennel cough. Bummer.
(Gaylan's Kerri of the Emerald Isle OA NAJ PK1 CL-1 CGC)
finished her NAJ with a 2nd place and finished her OA with a 4th place! On to Excellent!
Her sister Kerri
Momma Abbi got her a QQ for the first time in several years! It was very exciting. Either one knocked bar or a missed contact seems to have robbed us of those QQ's in the last year. Maybe the curse is over.
(Topmast Take the High Road Can WC)
went out this weekend with Susan and passed her first Junior test twice, for her first two JH legs. Way to go Susan (who I know is thrilled to have Bonny back home again from Aunt Pam's, where she's been getting great field foundation training). All that training showed well this weekend!!
August 29, 2010
Bonny (Traveling litter) got her Canadian WC on her first try! She's been staying with her Auntie Pam Martin for field training the last six weeks and she has proven a great student! Check out her webpage.
Keeper (Irish Litter) got her MXF leg #6 with a first place and MXJ leg #2.Check out her video of that MXJ run!
Jig (Irish Litter) got an Exc FAST Q, then headed to PVGRC and passed his CCA on his first attempt! (Along with his cousins Devon and Reese)
Kerri (Irish Litter) got her second NAJ leg today with a 1st place and her second OA leg with a 3rd place.
Juice (Music Litter) QQ'ed Saturday at the Yankee Golden trial with 2 first place ribbons, then got fourth place in Standard today.
Karli says this is GREAT FUN!!
Aug 22, 2010
(Gaylan's Finnegan's Rainbow NA NAC CGC) (Zgoda) got his second Novice FAST leg with a first place, and his first Open standard with a first place... And Sue just found out he also has his NADAC Novice Agility title (NAC). Good thing NADAC keeps good records, as Sue didn't keep track too well!!
Momma Abbi went out on Sunday to her first NADAC show in 5 years and took First in 20+ Regular to finish her Elite Standard title and First in Open Tunnelers and Novice Weavers. Nothing slowing this 9 y.o. down!
Kerri competed in her first NADAC trial and took 1st in Novice Standard, 2nd in Novice Tunnelers, and 4th in Novice Weavers.
Her sister Keeper (Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover
CL1-F CGC) (Masica) also went for her first NADAC trial and took 1st in Novice Jumpers.
Aug 15, 2010
Abbi, Kerri, Karli, and Keagan all went Ultimate Air Dog Dock diving and all made it into the finals. Karli took 1st in the Junior jump division, with Momma Abbi right behind her for 2nd place, and Keagan right behind his Aunt Abbi. Kerri took 4th in the Novice jump division finals, but she hasn't quite got the hang of jumping off the dock, instead of just dropping off
August 15, 2010
Congratulations to Amanda and Charge (U-CH Topmast American Express Traveler RN TDI CGC) on finishing their UKC Championship in one weekend, taking three Best of Breeds and a Group 2 and Group 4!!!!
WAHOO!!! That's one beautiful boy!!!
Now on to Novice Obedience with Mariann.
July 25, 2010
Congratulations to Linda Lowy and Shiloh,
Gaylan's Drummer Boy CD RE MH MX MXJ WCX CCA VCX,
and his trainer/handler Mitch White, on qualifying for the AKC 2010 Master National!! Very Impressive!!
June 27, 2010
Irish litter pup,
Gaylan's Finnegan's Rainbow NA GCG (Teri & Sue Zgoda)
and Teri played in NADAC today, qualified 4/5 times all FIRST PLACES!!!!! Tunnelers,Jumpers,regular 1 & 2.
Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover
RN TDX AX AXJ XF JH WCX CL1-F CGC, passed her WCX today in fine style! She was so impressive and didn't let a peep out on the honor. Such a good girl!
Her big sister
(Music litter) passed her WC today, without a problem. Now on to that WCX!
June 13, 2010
After a long rehab for a shoulder muscle pull, Juice (
Gaylan's Juice Harp MX AXJ XF SH WCX PD2)
is back in action and he and Paula are out racking up those Q's in agility again. He got a second place in Exc FAST and had a Gorgeous run in Standard today with a third place. WAHOO!! Sounds like our boy is back in business!!
Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover RN TDX AX AXJ XF JH WC CL1-F CGC,
continued her winning ways this weekend getting her 5th MXF leg with a 4th place and her 3rd MX leg on Saturday.
She and Jan got MX leg #4 today and took second place.
Gaylan's Finnegan's Rainbow NA CGC)
(Sue & Teri Zgoda)
finished his Novice Agility title with a 1st place and earned his first Novice FAST leg with a 1st place. He's joined the ranks of the rest of the Irish litter pups who are ALL now sporting an AKC agility title!
Last weekend, Finn
I don't get to brag often on Chime lately, as she's had some problems with her weave poles. But this weekend, she managed to do all 12 weavepoles in four classes! And got her
2nd AXJ Q with a first place.
We had a great time at the agility trial. It was a mini-family reunion. Abbi was there with a bunch of her kids. Kerri and Chime, Jan was there with Keeper, Jo and Anne were there with Hayden and Bryce, and Myra was there with Karli. She also had Keagan with her, and Deb Stoll was there with Keagan's mom EmmyLou (Chime's half-sister) and Keagan's sister Ruby and EmmyLou's latest pup Cobi (who's cute as a button at 14 weeks and was the star of the show). We kept hearing that we had a "gaggle of goldens" there! :-)
Myra got her first AKC Q's with Keagan in BOTH Novice A Standard and JWW, with two First Places!! WAHOO!
Abbi Q'd in Exc B JWW for more MACH points.
Kerri and Keeper had some really great runs, but just missed their Q's by little pieces. Next time!
Keeper did get two EXC B FAST Q's this weekend though. She's such a speed demon and she's really good at FAST!
Gaylan's Celtic Spirit NAJ SG
(Donna Anderson), finished her AKC Novice Jumpers title with a First Place! Now, on to Open Jumpers!
New Novice Jumpers!
Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover RN JH TDX AX AXJ XF WC CL1-F CGC
(Jan Masica), qualified for her first MXJ leg at 6.57 y.p.s! Wow, that little girl is one speed demon! She also got her 2nd MXF leg with a third place.
Gaylan's Drummer Boy CD MH MX MXJ RE WCX CCA VCX, (Linda Lowy),
passed his second Master Hunter test this spring and did a great job of it too! I was able to watch him at the hunt test in Michigan for the first time. I had to stay hidden, so he didn't see me until he was all done, but he was very happy to see his Grandma Pat after he did his fantastic work! What a thrill it was to watch him do his work beautifully and with great skill!
Master Hunter pass
Gaylan's Juice Harp SH MX AXJ XF WCX PDII (Paula Orcutt)
placed First in Novice Preferred FAST his first time out this year, after being sidelined with a shoulder injury last January. He maintained his 2on/2off contacts beautifully! WAHOO! It's nice to have him back running and I know Paula is thrilled too! Now back to Excellent next weekend.
Congratulations to
and Myra (
Topmast Comin' About Karli CGC
, on their new Canine Good Citizenship certificate! This was at a doggie fair, with lots of distractions, including a lure coursing bunny flashing by right next to where poor Karli was trying to do her 30' recall!
They hung in there and finally were successful! Congratulations on Karli's first title!!
Gaylan's Irish Ceili Dancer
O-NAC O-NCC S-NJC S-TN-N TG-N O-WV-N (Sandy Ziemski) he earned his first Exc Standard leg with a first place.
A big congratulations goes out to
May 16, 2009
Congratulations to Jamie,
Gaylan's Celtic Spirit SG, on getting two NAJ legs two weekends in a row, getting a 2nd place and 4th place in Novice Jumpers. WAHOO!
Donna and Jamie are coming together as a team. Not easy to do with that fast pup!
You can see Jamie's run on YouTube at
Gaylan's Drummer Boy CD MH MX MXJ RE WCX CCA VCX,
passed his first Master Hunter test this spring and did a great job of it too!
May 9, 2009
Master Hunter pass! Shiloh,
May 3, 2010
NEW TRACKING DOG EXCELLENT! Keeper, Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover RN TDX JH AX AXJ XF WC CL1-F CGC (Jan Masica) passed the AKC Tracking Dog Excellent on her first attempt. She finished the 800+ yards in 13 minutes with Jan in hot pursuit.
She was flying down the track as only Keeper can do! I'm so thrilled that Grandma Pat was there to see it.
Gaylan's Kerri of the Emerald Isle NA
CL1-H CL1-S CL1-H CGC (Pat & Tom)
qualified in P1 Snooker for a 1st place and to finish her P1 Snooker title.
She also qualified with Myra's Keagan
Myra has Karli, from the Traveling litter too.
in P1 Pairs for 2nd place.
April 24/25, 2010
We were back doing AKC agility this weekend, for the first time this season. Wasn't too bad a weekend.
Both Kerri and Chime did 12 poles successfully, so that's a great
Chime Q'd in Open Standard, for 2nd place, finishing her OA title. She
also Q'd in Exc A JWW for her first Exc A Jumpers leg with a 1st Place.
Kerri Q'd in Novice JWW with a 2nd place for her first NAJ leg. She had
some close runs
in Open Standard, finishing her 12 poles successfully, but no Q's. She
had a little trouble focusing in Standard today after Deb, who was
holding Chime for me, as I ran both girls very close together, had to
leave to gate the other ring. Kerri caught sight of Deb leaving with
Chime and it was all over. She couldn't stand it because Deb was taking
her Chime! Once I got her running with me, she did better though. But
she does love her big sister!
Abbi Q'd in Exc B JWW for more MACH points, just missing 4th place by
0.3 seconds. Not bad for an almost 9 y.o. dog and not having run her in
while. She just missed her Q in Exc B standard, because her mom called
her name over the bar while turning and the ole' tail brought the bar
down....darn it!
Keeper, Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover RN TD AX AXJ XF JH WC CL1-F CGC, completed her AXJ Friday April 23, with a blazing run and 1st place. She also Q'd in Exc B Standard with another fast run. That's a QQ, but it doesn't count because she was just finishing her Exc A title. NEXT TIME IT WILL!!!
March 14, 2010
It's been a busy few weeks for some of the Irish Litter.
This weekend, Jig, Gaylan's Irish Ceili Dancer OA OAJ XF O-NAC O-NCC S-NJC S-TN-N TG-N O-WV-N (Sandy Ziemski)
finished his OAJ and XF titles.
, Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover RN TD AX OAJ XF JH WC CL1-F CGC qualified in Excellent Fast.
Kerri, Gaylan's Kerri of the Emerald Isle NA CL1 CGC, obtained her first Rally Novice Q Feb 26. She also Q'd in USDAA Novice Jumpers last weekend with a 1st place.
Music Litter, Chime, Gaylan's Wind Chime Melody CD RN NA OAJ CGC CL1 PD1 P2K finished her Rally Novice (RN) title on Feb 26. Chime also Q'd in USDAA PII Jumpers and PII Pairs last weekend.
February 14, 2010
Happy Valentines Day!!
A big congratulations goes out to Mariann Zelinski and Charge (Topmast American Express Traveler RN CGC) on obtaining his RN(Rally Novice) title in one weekend! That is one special boy!! This makes the Traveling litter's first 'official' AKC title. No grass growing under Charge's feet!
January 24, 2010
It's been a little quiet around here lately. January usually is a slow month.
(Gaylan's Kerri of the Emerald Isle NA CL1-S CGC) went to a CPE trial with her buddy Keagan last weekend and Q'd 4 runs. She also finsihed her CPE Level 1 Strategy title (CL1-S).
Then we were supposed to show in Rally this weekend, but my check got lost in the mail and my entry didn't make it for Kerri and Chime. But Kerri went along for fun and did manage to stay calm enough for a CGC pass! My little girl is growing up and settling down
Keeper, Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover RN TD AX OAJ XF JH WC CL1-F CGC did show in Rally this weekend and finished her RN title in three straight shows and got her first Rally Advanced leg with a couple of 1st places and a 2nd place. It was fun watching them perform. What a team they are going to make in obedience too!
My friend Deb Stoll also was there and finished her 10 y.o. golden Tango's RN and got her first Rally Advanced leg too. Deb is the breeder of Glenbrier Goldens and is expecting puppies Feb 14 from Kerri's buddy Keagan's mom Emmy Lou.
December 19, 2009
Push is the first EVER Triple Champion!! Today Push became
Firemark's Push Comes to Shove Am ***
This makes Push the first Triple Champion Golden Retriever in breed history! Quite a remarkable feat for Push and his owner Mike Ducross. Looking forward to seeing the Push/Chime puppies.
December 10, 2009
Just heard from Linda Lowy with Shiloh (Gaylan's Drummer Boy CD MH MX MXJ RE WCX VCX CCA). Shiloh finished his CD today. Wahoo! This boy sure is busy!!
December 11, 2009
Wahoo! Kerri has added her first official title behind her name. She finished her Novice Agility title today, adding the NA to her name. (Gaylan's Kerri of the Emerald Isle NA)
December 7, 2009
We are so proud of Abbi's puppies for getting out there and strutting their stuff!
First, our little Chime (
Gaylan's Wind Chime Melody CD NA OAJ JH CCA CGC CL1 PD1 PJ1 PK2 PR1) completed her CD with two first places and a 2nd place, with a 197, 196 1/2, and 195. She also obtained two passes on her RN title. She then came in season the next day and will be bred in a week or so to Push in Canada.
Gaylan's Juice Harp SH MX AXJ XF WCX PDII) (Paula Orcutt) placed First in Exc B Standard agility both Sat and Sunday, and first place in Exc B FAST. Juice and Paula are becoming a great team!
Juice (
Jig, Gaylan's Irish Ceili Dancer OA NAJ NF O-NAC O-NCC S-NJC S-TN-N TG-N O-WV-N (Sandy Ziemski) had a perfect day today (50% for the weekend) finishing his Superior Novice Jumpers (S-NJC) and Superior Novice Tunnelers (S-TN-N) titles. All of his Q's were 1st placements, the most notable was a Jumpers yps of 7.31!!
November 27, 2009
, Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover TD JH AX OAJ XF WC CL1-F CGC (Jan Masica) earned her first AXJ leg with a win. You can see her run on
Jan also showed Abbi for me, while I'm still recovering from my cardiac incident, and they were really working hard at becoming a team together by the end of the weekend. Jan did get an Exc B JWW Q with Abbi.
November 14, 2009
, U-CH C-ATCH U-AGII U-CD Gaylan's High Flying Abbi CD MX MXJ NF RA JH WC OD CCA (Pat Swallows) earned her first U-CDX leg with a 1st place and a 2nd place Novice C.
, Gaylan's Wind Chime Melody JH NA OAJ CCA (Pat Swallows) earned her first U-CD leg with a 2nd place.
Nov 2, 2009
Karluk, Topmast Karluk's North Pole Voyage CGC, obtained his CGC this weekend with Stephanie Critch. Stephanie reports that Karluk was perfect; it was she who was a nervous wreck! This was Stephanie's first title ever!
Nov 1, 2009
, Gaylan's Lucky Four Leaf Clover TD JH AX OAJ XF WC CL1-F CGC (Jan Masica)
finished her AX title with a First Place!
NEW OPEN FAST! Jig , Gaylan's Irish Ceili Dancer OA NAJ OF O-NAC O-NCC O-NJC O-TN-N TG-N O-WV-N (Sandy Ziemski) finished his Open FAST title and earned his first OAJ leg both with with 1st placements.
, Gaylan's Finnegan's Rainbow GCG (Teri Zgoda) earned his first NA leg with a 1st place and his first NAJ leg with a 2nd place.
Latest news October 24, 2009